Friday, November 28, 2014

Thanks Giving

I have loved reading others posts about how thankful they are for their families, friends, jobs, church, and blessings.

I, too, am so thankful for my husband, Jerry, and our children, and grandchildren, our sisters and brothers, our extended aunts, uncles, and cousins; and our many friends. We have a job, we have a home, we have vehicles, clothing, and food, we consider ourselves very blessed!

Thanksgiving is a real action word. It refers first to giving thanks, through words, feelings, observations, perceptions, and recognition. Our Heavenly Father has indicated that He is very displeased when we do not recognize the blessings which He gives to us. I imagine He is disappointed when we believe that all those good things in life come only through our own efforts.
Knowing the Source of our blessings, and acknowledging Who is the source, is required by the Lord.
We can draw closer to our Heavenly Father, as we see how much He loves us through the blessings we recognize.

Secondly, the second part of Thanksgiving is in giving of ourselves. We offer prayers of gratitude to our God because of His awareness and filling of our personal needs. We are so touched when we see direct answers to our prayers, when we see His hand in other's lives, and when we stop to look around us and see the beauty of this very earth.

Giving is such a privilege. It isn't just a responsibility, it is truly a gift to be able to give to others. We can give by a smile to others, keeping in touch with others through a phone call or a note or letter. We can respond to an observed need we see in other's lives. We can anticipate needs of a loved one or friend, or neighbor.

We can give to charity within our churches, we can leave anonymous donations of money or food to a needy person or family, we can simply let people know they are appreciated and not alone. We can teach our children the joy of giving to others, service all year round. I have watched a family do that, and I was impressed and gladdened by the love that underpins all they do, are, and are becoming!

Giving works best in our own spheres, our yards, neighborhoods, church congregations, and our cities. The world goes best when we each do our own small part to uplift all around us. We are coming to realize that many people are losing that sense of community, and looking to please only themselves; not realizing they are robbing themselves blind. Blind to the joy of helping others first. Blind to the emptiness of their lives. Blind to the deprivations of light and understanding that comes to those who readily give of what they have and are. Losing sight of their part in the brotherhood of mankind. I feel very sorry for them.

What a blessing to be able to see Who is giving us the needs of our lives, to be able to pray and say thank you to Him, and to know that we can please Him by recognizing His Hand in our lives. I love my Heavenly Father, I am so grateful for His teachings, and His presence in my life. I testify that He lives, and that He loves us.

I would say that acknowledgement and reciprocation are the true meanings of Thanksgiving to me.

Thank you.