Wednesday, February 22, 2012


It is nearly March. In March I usually start thinking about preparing for gardens. I don't have much space for gardening just now, but I still think about it. I look at the farmers fields along the road here and they have already begun tilling the soil for the coming crops. There are so many kinds of gardens. Vegetable gardens, fruit orchards, grain and corn fields, beet fields, flower gardens, and so many more. There are gardens of the mind,also. How do we till, and sow, those gardens of our minds? What do we fill our minds with? Do we read good books with contemplative thoughts of people through the ages? Do we watch TV? Do we read romance novels or other books about as deep as thin plastic wrap? Do we surf the web for hours? Are we taking time to sit and think? Are we aware of the beauty and peace of the mountains, valleys, rivers, and oceans nearby? Do we see the little flowers along the way? The beauty and shape of a fallen leaf? I love to see the sun rise, the light that glows on the mountains, the house next door, the golden light on my floor and walls. I love the glow of light through the plant leaves, and the uplift that comes each time I see it. I love looking out my windows to see the flowers I plant each year. I love deep red geraniums, set next to white alyssum. I also love deep purple pansies, and rich colored marigolds. I also love to see my tomato plants grow. We enjoy eating tomatoes from the garden, so we plant them. A garden of lettuce, carrots, spinach, green peas, green beans, cucumbers, and tomatoes.....there is nothing that tastes so good as a fresh veggie from our very own garden, unless of course, our neighbor shares with us!! I think gardens of all kinds bring us renewal and peace. A kind of joy for the season, and gratitude to the Lord for all His bounties....year round. I think this renewal comes when we read good books, listen to a good sermon, or receive peace to our hearts and minds during a period of meditation, or prayer. What a wonderful experience we can have during our lives here on earth!! So much to be grateful for. So much.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Time - a short term commodity.

Time is always of the essence. We can use our time in any way we choose. We can meditate, ponder, view the world around us, do a good deed, accomplish a chosen task, invent something new, watch a sunrise or sunset, interact with other people, read, or anything we choose. We can follow directions from someone in authority over us, such as doing the chores assigned us at work, or we can be the person who assigns other's chores and jobs. We can do something "useful" or we can watch a baby learn to crawl, or think of how the world is affecting us. Often "useful" is determined by other's viewpoints, but often the most useful thing we can do is something that is useful in our own perspective. Visiting someone who needs to just have someone to listen to them is useful - to them, but in the long run, very useful to us, because service is the most "useful" use of our time in our lives. In order to be of use to others, we need to have "water" or substance in our "well". That means we need to take time to define our personal parameters. We need to know how we relate to our God, we need to take time to study the scriptures, we need to spend time in prayer, we need to know how our God feels about us...we need to know if, and how much, He loves us...personally. My understanding of how truly Heavenly Father knows me is the foundation for my soul. He knows my innermost thoughts, needs, joys, and sorrows. He will judge me justly. I know this, and it gives me great peace and security. He has given each of us the blessing of time. Time to learn, grow, and prove ourselves to Him. I love Him for this, and I am so grateful for the experience.