My thoughts feel quite random today. Our friend is ill, he had a heart attack, but is doing well, being thoroughly tested, and moved to a regular room in the Hospital. Hard for his wife, family, and friends. Our son had surgery for double hernia repair, he is slowly recovering; while at the same time our daughter in law is caring for sick children, & making preparations for our grandson's scout camp. Things such as the physical exam, and also vaccinations for Jr High. Our 5 year old grandson was taken to the Dr to see if his sore throat was strep (thankfully not) and given his kindergarten vaccinations. Our dear daughter in law is also preparing for her booth at the Fiesta Days in our little town, and making ready her booth, and all the objects that will be on sale.
The air smells like a mountain morning on vacation - right outside our home. I love it!
There are many soap boxes on various issues, and it seems as though many people want to be heard, but, who is listening? Emails, texts, facebook, & messenger are platforms to speak, to vent, to share, to escape boredom by sharing the minutia of their lives. Many posts, though, are very sincere, and often derided, or seemingly misunderstood. The world around us seems to be in chaos. Well, mostly it IS in chaos! Except for pockets of clarifying sanity, serenity, and optimism. The clarifying perception of our Prophet, Apostles, and other leaders, who counsel us through the truths of the Holy Spirit. The Savior told us "to be of good cheer", it is a good thing to try and implement because He knows whereof He speaks.
I noticed the garbage truck emptying our garbage two days ago. I thought how wonderful it was to have garbage service. To have the leftover, empty, dirty garbage of our life....just go away! I am really grateful for that blessing. How many other mundane parts of my life am I missing and not registering as blessings, and things I actually treasure? For instance, I absolutely love the passage of light. Early morning light as it slants in the window and makes light and shadow on walls, furniture, floors, and decorations; announcing another new day. The midday sunlight with heat and light, busyness, and accomplishments needing to be done. Late evening light creating a never ending display of mountains, clouds, sky, and closing of another day. I love light and shadow.
I love our country, I love the faith which our constitution has inspired, the freedoms (which are, indeed, currently under attack) we have, and the many stories of ancestors who gave their lives, and lived their lives to make the concept work. There are still many people who live moral lives, and have great standards of loving, helping, and serving. I love that they contribute so much to our society.
I love watching and experiencing the changes in my grandchildren's lives as they grow, and blossom; as they show their talents and personalities. What a joy to have children and grandchildren, and feel their love, and ache for the sorrows that come inevitably in all our lives.
I love my Heavenly Father. I know He lives, that He is always watching over me, and all I know and love. I know my Savior, Jesus Christ, lives, and will always be the bridge back to my Father's home as long as I do my part.I know that He not only is with me, He is with, watching over, and loving every single soul who comes to earth. I am so grateful to Him for my life here on this earth.
Random thoughts, but continual peace, every day of my life. I am here where I want to be, I know I am loved and protected, and there is Hope, for all that may seem hopeless and unknown. He is here, always.